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In Brief: July 22, 2020

Inside This Issue:  Highlights of the 23rd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2020), including COVID-19 and HIV, the global HIV/AIDS epidemic, HIV prevention, HIV care and treatment, affected population groups, and general COVID-19 news.


Highlights from the 23rd International AIDS Conference

The 23rd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2020) – originally scheduled for the San Francisco Bay Area – was instead held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. AIDS 2020 took place from July 6 through 10, and was followed by a Virtual COVID-19 Conference on July 11 and 12. 

This issue of In Brief is devoted to highlights from AIDS 2020 in the form of headlines from the HIV, medical, and scientific press, together with links to more detailed coverage. For your convenience, we have curated the headlines by topic and subtopic, so that you may quickly review important developments and then explore in depth the news of greatest interest to you.  The curated topic areas are:

  • AIDS 2020 Conference Coverage and Websites
  • COVID-19 and HIV
  • The Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic
  • HIV Prevention
  • HIV Treatment and Care
  • HIV in Specific Population Groups – research focusing on particular demographic or risk groups
  • Selected COVID-19 News from AIDS 2020


AIDS 2020 Conference Coverage and Websites

AIDS 2020: Virtual – This is the official website for the conference.  As this issue of In Brief went to press, the site still did not have a user interface allowing visitors to perform author, title, or topic searches for conference abstracts or presentations.  However, the International AIDS Society (IAS) has published Oral Abstracts from the 23rd International AIDS Conference as a special supplement to their monthly journal.  This supplement includes several hundred oral abstracts, poster discussion abstracts, and late breaking abstracts, as well as an author index.  

The International AIDS Conference YouTube Channel has about 25 videos summarizing conference news, divided into the following playlists:

  • Virtual Opening Series;
  • Virtual Daily Studio;
  • Virtual Global Village and Youth Program; and
  • Virtual Press Conferences. has posted several articles and videos that primarily focus on highlights of AIDS 2020:

The U.S. Government Accepted Abstracts page on the PEPFAR (President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) website is a compilation of AIDS 2020 abstracts related to PEPFAR-supported programs and research and the U.S. Ending the HIV Epidemic Initiative.  

Really Rapid Review — AIDS 2020 Virtual: This brief summary by Dr. Paul Sax was published in NEJM Journal Watch shortly after AIDS 2020 ended.  It includes a series of two- to four-sentence summaries of about 25 developments in the prevention, treatment, and management of HIV infection – including the impact of COVID-19 on people with HIV.


AIDS 2020 News Pages from Other Sites

Several HIV-specific and health news sites have created web pages focusing on AIDS 2020 and its highlights.  These sites and their AIDS 2020 web pages are listed and linked to below: 

National AIDS Treatment Advocacy Project (NATAP): AIDS 2020 – 23rd International AIDS Conference – This is one of the most extensive lists of research reports from AIDS 2020. It includes hyperlinks to more than 100 reports that typically summarize reports’ background information, research methodology, key findings, and conclusions. 

AIDSmap: AIDS 2020: Virtual – AIDSmap, which was an official scientific media partner for AIDS 2020, has extensive coverage of conference news and highlights. 

TheBodyPro: Conference Coverage – Please note that news from AIDS 2020 is posted near the top of this page. Articles covering news from older conferences is also included lower on the page. 

Healio: International AIDS Conference – Please note that free registration may be required to access Healio articles. 

HIV i-base:  World AIDS 23 Virtual 2020 

Poz: #AIDS 2020



COVID-19 and HIV

COVID-19 Has Had a Major Impact on PrEP, Sexual Behaviour, and Service Provision (AIDSmap); related coverage from Healio and Poz 

Joint Action and Service Integration Needed to Tackle HIV and TB During COVID-19 Pandemic, Experts Agree. (TheBodyPro) 

Still No Clear Indication That HIV Status Affects COVID-19 Severity (TheBodyPro); related coverage from AIDSmap 

New York Studies Look at COVID-19 Outcomes and Immune Function Among People with HIV (AIDSmap) 

London Study Shows People with HIV Not at Greater Risk of Severe COVID-19 Illness (AIDSmap) 

COVID-19 Threatens LGBT People’s Economic Security (Poz); related coverage from AIDSmap 

COVID-19 Pandemic Has Speeded Up the Implementation of Multi-Month Dispensing (AIDSmap) 

One-Third of HIV PrEP Users Discontinued Medication While Sheltering in Place (Healio)  



The Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic

Global HIV Treatment Rates Rise, But Progress Is Uneven (Poz) 

Can U=U Be Used to Reshape HIV Programmes Globally? (AIDSmap) 

Video: Action Needed to Achieve ‘AIDS-Free Generation’ (Healio) 

PEPFAR Announces Latest HIV Program Progress and New Investments to Reach More People in Greatest Need ( 

PrEP Prevents an Estimated Three-Quarters of HIV Infections in People at Risk in Large African Study (AIDSmap); related coverage from Poz 

Intervention Promotes PrEP Uptake, Adherence in Kenyan Adolescent Girls and Young Women (Healio); related coverage from AIDSmap 

Finding the Missing Children: Paediatric Index Testing Expands in Africa (AIDSmap) 

Sista2Sista Program Improves HIV, Other Health Outcomes Among Youths in Zimbabwe (Healio) 

Unsafe Injection Practices Contribute to HIV Outbreak Among Children in Pakistan (Healio) 



HIV Prevention

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)

Investigational PrEP Injection, Dosed Every Other Month, Beats Daily PrEP in Phase 3 Study (TheBodyPro); related coverage from AVAC; Healio;; and Poz 

PrEP Prevents an Estimated Three-Quarters of HIV Infections in People at Risk in Large African Study (AIDSmap); related coverage from Poz 

COVID-19 Has Had a Major Impact on PrEP, Sexual Behaviour, and Service Provision (AIDSmap); related coverage from Healio 

At least 28,000 Women in the United States Have started PrEP (AIDSmap) 

Truvada Lawsuit Ads Are Prompting Some Young People with a High Risk of HIV Not to Start or Discontinue PrEP (AIDSmap) 

Geographic, Racial, and Other Disparities in HIV Diagnoses and PrEP Uptake by Gay and Bisexual Men in England (AIDSmap) 

Research Sheds Light on Changes in PrEP Use Over Time in San Francisco and Australia (AIDSmap) 

Intervention Promotes PrEP Uptake, Adherence in Kenyan Adolescent Girls and Young Women (Healio); related coverage from AIDSmap 

Many People in African PrEP Programmes Stop and Restart PrEP (AIDSmap) 


Other Prevention News 

Researchers Highlight Importance of Youth, Women in HIV Prevention Research (Healio) 

UNAIDS Updates Pediatric HIV Prevention Initiative (Healio) 

Can U=U Be Used to Reshape HIV Programmes Globally? (AIDSmap) 

Novel Vaccine That Induces Cells to Make Particles That Look Like HIV Shows Promising Efficacy in Monkey Study (AIDSmap)  


HIV Treatment and Care

Cure Research

Cure Research Highlights at AIDS 2020 (amfAR) 

Man Achieves Long-Term HIV Remission Without Bone Marrow Transplant (Healio); related coverage from amfAR;  HIV Treatment Bulletin; Poz; and Treatment Action Group 

Case Report of Short-Term HIV Remission from Adding Oral Nicotinamide to Intensified ART (HIV Treatment Bulletin) 

Gene Therapy or Immunotherapy: Which Approach Is More Likely to Deliver a Cure for HIV? (AIDSmap)


Other HIV Treatment News 

Islatravir plus Doravirine Maintains Viral Suppression for a Year (AIDSmap); related coverage from Poz 

Promising Results for Vesatolimod in Monkeys and Humans (AIDSmap) 

As Two-Drug HIV Treatment Rises, Long-Term Inflammation Becomes a Potential Concern (TheBodyPRO); related coverage from Poz 

TAF/FTC+DTG, TDF/FTC+DTG and TDF/FTC/EFV Provide Similar Efficacy (Healio) 

Pregnant Women on Dolutegravir Experience Better HIV Viral Suppression Rates vs. Efavirenz (Healio) 

Switching HIV Meds to Biktarvy Is Safe, Effective Among Seniors (Poz) 


HIV Care

A Holistic Approach Improves HIV Care (Poz) 

Homeless People with HIV Can Benefit from Person-Centred Care (AIDSmap) 

A Better Understanding of African MSM’s Behaviour Patterns Will Lead to Optimised HIV Service Provision (AIDSmap)


Health Concerns of Persons with HIV

Body Mass Index Among People with HIV Is Rising Much Faster Than in the General Population (TheBodyPro); related coverage from AIDSmap 

Rapid Weight Gain After Switching to TAF, Regardless of Other HIV Drugs Taken (AIDSmap); related coverage from Poz 

Switch to Dolutegravir Raises the Risk of Potentially Harmful Weight Gain, Four-Country African Study Finds (AIDSmap) 

Depo Provera May Worsen Tenofovir-Related Bone Loss in Young Women (AIDSmap) 

Dolutegravir Use at Conception Not Tied to Neural Tube Defects After All (Poz); related coverage from HIV Treatment Bulletin



HIV in Specific Population Groups

Children and Youth

UNAIDS Updates Pediatric HIV Prevention Initiative (Healio) 

New Data Show Lower Prevalence of Neural Tube Defects in Babies Exposed to Dolutegravir (Healio) 

Finding the Missing Children: Paediatric Index Testing Expands in Africa (AIDSmap) 


Homeless Persons 

Homeless People with HIV Can Benefit from Person-Centred Care (AIDSmap)


LGBT Persons

COVID-19 Threatens LGBT People’s Economic Security (Poz); related coverage from AIDSmap 

A Better Understanding of African MSM’s Behaviour Patterns Will Lead to Optimised HIV Service Provision (AIDSmap) 

Geographic, Racial, and Other Disparities in HIV Diagnoses and PrEP Uptake by Gay and Bisexual Men in England (AIDSmap) 


Older Persons 

For Older Americans with HIV, Holistic Health Concerns Often Outweigh the Virus Itself (TheBodyPro) 

Resilience Is Key to Successful Ageing with HIV (AIDSmap) 

Switching HIV Meds to Biktarvy Is Safe, Effective Among Seniors (Poz) 



“If We Don’t Include Women in Trials, We Are Not Protecting Women” – Dolutegravir in Pregnant Women Living with HIV (AIDSmap); related coverage from Healio 

Depo Provera May Worsen Tenofovir-Related Bone Loss in Young Women (AIDSmap) 

Intervention Promotes PrEP Uptake, Adherence in Kenyan Adolescent Girls and Young Women (Healio); related coverage from AIDSmap


Selected COVID-19 News from AIDS 2020 

Fauci: COVID-19 was ID Physicians’ ‘Worst Nightmare,’ Warns of Potential Airborne Spread (Healio) 

HCV Drugs Sofosbuvir, Daclatasvir Show Promise as Potential COVID-19 Treatment (Healio); related coverage from HIV Treatment Bulletin and Poz 

Evidence ‘Strongly Suggestive’ of In Utero Vertical Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 (Healio) 

NIH Launches Clinical Trials Network to Test COVID-19 Vaccines and Other Prevention Tools (NIAID) 

Virtual COVID-19 Conference – As noted in the newsletter introduction above, the International AIDS Society hosted a Virtual COVID-19 Conference on July 10 to 11 – immediately after AIDS 2020. The conference highlighted the latest news of scientific developments, policy, and practice in the COVID-19 pandemic. We plan to provide more detailed information about the COVID-19 Conferences and selected highlights in the next issue of In Brief.