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National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day (October 15th)


National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD) will be held on October 15. The theme is, “It’s time to act. It’s time to end HIV.”

This theme focuses on the facts that the HIV epidemic is now more than 40 years old and that tools are already available and have the potential to end the HIV epidemic in the near future.

The Latino Commission on AIDS (LCOA), the Hispanic Federation, and other groups organize NLAAD to build capacity for non-profit organizations and health departments to reach Latino/Hispanic communities. According to its organizers, “NLAAD mobilizes community-based organizations, leaders of the Latino community, health departments, and elected officials to spread awareness within the Latino community about HIV&AIDS, and bring about improvements in HIV related health practices by building capacity, developing and disseminating resources, utilizing media channels, and casting the spotlight on Latino faces behind the epidemic.”

To help you and your patients or clients prepare for and mark the day, we have compiled an annotated list of online resources focusing on the impact of HIV/AIDS in Latinx communities. 

You may wish to start with the Hispanic/Latino People and HIV web page from NEAETC’s Online HIV Resource Library.  This page focuses specifically on the impacts of HIV on Hispanic/Latino persons living in the U.S. It has a downloadable education packet, as well as curated and annotated resources, including fact sheets, surveillance data, reports, infographics, and compiled materials from a variety of sources. 

National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day – This is the official web page for NLAAD. It includes links for logos, posters, fact sheets, infographics, webinars, and events.

National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day (October 15) – CDC’s NLAAD page includes information about HIV prevention in English and Spanish from the agency’s Let’s Stop HIV Together campaign. It has ready-to-use graphics and sample messages about NLAAD, HIV self-testing, and HIV prevention, stigma, and treatment for social media platforms. There are a variety of materials for both consumers and providers.

HIV/AIDS and Hispanic Americans (Office of Minority Health) – This web page includes detailed statistical information about HIV testing, HIV and AIDS cases, and death rates among Hispanic/Latino people.

HIV and Hispanic/Latino People (CDC) – This fact sheet includes breakdowns of HIV diagnoses among Hispanic/Latino persons by gender and transmission category. It also discusses trends in new HIV diagnoses among Hispanic/Latino men and women during the period from 2015 through 2019. Also available in Spanish.

HIV Prevention for Hispanic/Latino Gay and Bisexual Men (CDC) – This issue brief discusses recent data on HIV among Hispanics/Latinos, with a particular emphasis on gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men.

HIV in the United States and Dependent Areas (CDC) – This fact sheet provides an overview of HIV in the U.S., including information about disproportionately high HIV rates among Hispanic/Latino people. Also available in Spanish.

Diagnoses of HIV Infection in the United States and Dependent Areas, 2020 (CDC) – This surveillance report includes breakdowns of HIV and AIDS diagnoses, deaths, and prevalence among Hispanic/Latino people and other racial/ethnic groups.

Illuminating the Needs of the Forgotten “Olvidados”: A National Assessment of Latinos Growing Older with HIV (Latino Commission on AIDS and the Hispanic Health Network) – This multilingual report describes the results of a nationwide community needs assessment for primarily Spanish-speaking Hispanic/Latino people, aged 50 and older, who are living with HIV/ AIDS.

Infographics on Hispanic/Latino People and HIV (CDC and AIDSVu):