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COVID-19 and HIV

Fact Sheets, Web Pages, and Infographics

HIV and COVID-19 Basics (CDC) – This fact sheet in frequently-asked questions (FAQ) format provides information on the health risks of COVID-19 for people with HIV, COVID-19 vaccination, how people with HIV can protect themselves from COVID-19, travel concerns, and COVID-19 stigma and misinformation.

HIV and COVID-19 (HIVinfo) – This fact sheet in FAQ format provides information about the potential effects of COVID-19 on people with HIV, ways people with HIV can protect themselves and others from infection with SARS-CoV-2 (the virus responsible for COVID-19), the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines for people with HIV, and potential drug-drug interactions between HIV drugs and COVID-19 treatment. Also available in Spanish.

COVID-19 and People with HIV ( – This web page provides information about how COVID-19 affects people with HIV, COVID-19 vaccination, and many U.S. federal agency resources about COVID-19 and HIV.

COVID-19 Real-Time Learning Network: HIV (CDC and Infectious Diseases Society of America [IDSA]) – This web page provides an overview of HIV and COVID-19, including information on epidemiology, COVID-19 health outcomes in people with HIV, antiretroviral therapy, COVID-19 vaccines, and links to additional resources.

What People Living with HIV Need to Know About HIV and COVID-19 (UNAIDS) – This web page provides COVID-19 guidance for people with HIV. Related UNAIDS materials include: COVID-19 and HIV: 1 Moment, 2 Epidemics, 3 Opportunities (report) and COVID-19 Vaccines and HIV (fact sheet). – Launched in 2022, this website is designed to be a “one-stop-shop” to help all people in the U.S. gain greater access to the latest updates about COVID-19 in their area, protective face masks, and COVID-19 vaccines, tests, and treatments. It also includes a test-to-treat locator to help people access the more than 2,000 pharmacies and community health centers across the country where COVID-19 tests and treatments are available for those who need them. The website is available in English, Spanish, and simplified Chinese and is also accessible for persons using assistive technologies.

How to Protect Yourself and Others: COVID-19 Prevention Actions (CDC) – This web page links to tools and resources about COVID-19 prevention, including CDC’s COVID-19 by County infection tracker and COVID-19 Plan fact sheet.

COVID-19 and People with Certain Medical Conditions (CDC) – This page provides links to information for people with underlying medical conditions, such as HIV, that could increase the risk of severe illness from COVID-19. It is also available in Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean.

COVID-19 and Substance Use (National Institute on Drug Abuse) – This web page includes an FAQ section focusing on COVID-19 and substance use, as well as links to related resources for health professionals and researchers.

COVID-19 Vaccines and People with HIV: Frequently Asked Questions (IDSA and HIV Medicine Association [HIVMA]) – This document is designed to answer questions HIV clinicians have about FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccines and to help clinicians respond to their patients’ questions. It includes information about vaccine safety, efficacy, side effects, supplemental and booster doses, HIV medications, COVID-19 vaccines and HIV risk, vaccine access, and other related topics.

HIV and COVID-19 Clinical Trials ( – Clicking on this hyperlink generates a list of ongoing, planned, and completed clinical trials related to HIV and COVID-19.

Guidelines and Recommendations

Guidance for COVID-19 and People with HIV ( – This guidance document reviews special considerations concerning COVID-19 for persons with HIV and their healthcare providers in the United States. It includes guidance applicable to all people with HIV, as well as recommendations concerning clinic or laboratory monitoring visits related to HIV care, and substance use treatment. It also provides information about self-isolation, quarantine, and care for people with HIV who have been exposed to COVID-19, have symptoms that may be due to COVID-19, or have been diagnosed with COVID-19. 

NIH COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines (National Institutes of Health) – These treatment guidelines were developed to advise clinicians on how to care for patients with COVID-19. There is guidance on clinical management, critical care, the different types of therapies available to treat COVID-19,  and special considerations for the prevention, diagnosis, and management of COVID-19 in certain population groups, including people with HIV.

Interim Clinical Considerations for Use of COVID-19 Vaccines (CDC) – This web page includes a summary of CDC’s guidance on the use of COVID-19 vaccines, including for people who are moderately or severely immunocompromised.  It also includes extensive appendices with guidance for specific patient populations and links to references and previous updates.

HIV Self-Testing (CDC) – This web page describes the different types of HIV self-tests, where to get self-tests, what to expect when using self-tests, and choosing a self-test that is right for you.

Dear Colleague Letter: PrEP During COVID-19 (CDC) – This letter provides guidance on providing PrEP when facility-based services and in-person patient-clinician contact is limited in the context of COVID-19.

Ending Isolation and Precautions for People with COVID-19: Interim Guidance (CDC) – This guidance is for healthcare providers responsible for the care of people in community settings who are under isolation with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. It includes recommendations for people who are moderately or severely immunocompromised, including some persons with HIV.


Selected Federal Resources

Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) Frequently Asked Questions (Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program – RWHAP) – This frequently updated resource page was developed to support the work of RWHAP recipients, subrecipients, and stakeholders during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Questions and answers are organized into the following topic areas:

  • COVID-19 Vaccination
  • CARES Act funding
  • reporting requirements
  • providing HIV care and client services during emergencies
  • AIDS Drug Assistance Programs
  • utilizing telehealth
  • resources and oversight
  • funding opportunities and upcoming events
  • travel guidance
  • grants management


Using HOPWA Program Funds for Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response (HUD Exchange) – This resource describes how Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) grantees and project sponsors may use HOPWA funds to prepare for and respond to infectious diseases such as COVID-19.

PEPFAR’s HIV Response in the Context of COVID-19 (U.S. Department of State) – This web page outlines the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief’s (PEPFAR’s) four priority goals during the COVID-19 pandemic: ensuring continuity of care for people living with HIV; leveraging PEPFAR-supported health systems and infrastructure; reducing exposure of staff and HIV clients to health care settings that may be overburdened and/or sources for potential exposure to COVID-19; and providing flexibility for PEPFAR programs in how to optimally serve clients with HIV in areas affected by COVID-19. A related technical guidance document provides extensive guidance on PEPFAR’s ongoing work during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Selected Resources from AIDS Education and Training Centers (AETCs) and HRSA

HIV & Oral Health Webinar Series Part 2: Emerging Viral Diseases: Implications for People with HIV (New England AETC, January 2023) – Presenters in this webinar discuss: 1) the importance of vaccination for disease prevention and/or elimination of severe disease and death; 2) methods to mitigate the spread of emerging viral infections in the dental setting; and 3) how providers can access the latest data about the impact of emerging viral diseases in their community.

HIV and Vaccinations (Pacific AETC and others, November 2022) – This webinar examines the risks, benefits, and eligibility criteria for the COVID-19 vaccine and booster(s), influenza vaccine, Mpox vaccine, and other routine vaccinations for people with HIV.

COVID-19 Hot Topics (Northeast/Caribbean AETC, April 2022) - These training slides provide an overview of COVID-19, including pathogenesis, management and treatment therapies, and current circulating variants.

CROI 2022 Highlights: HIV Co-infections (Mountain West AETC, April 2022) – These training slides review highlights from CROI 2022 regarding HIV co-infections including COVID-19, hepatitis, and tuberculosis.

Substance Use and Mortality: How the COVID-19 Pandemic is Affecting People with HIV & Communities of Color (Northeast/Caribbean AETC, January 2022) – These training slides review pre-COVID-19 rates of substance use disorders (SUD) and overdose deaths, as well as pre-COVID-19 rates of HIV prevalence and prevention efforts, in order to understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the HIV and SUD epidemics among communities of color.

Opioids and HIV: Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic (Northeast/Caribbean AETC, December 2021) – These training slides review the state of opioid use disorders and HIV prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the impact COVID-19 has had on people with HIV and opioid use disorders, and how to meet the needs of this vulnerable population.

The State of Mental Health for People of Color with HIV in the LGBTQ+ Community during the COVID-19 Pandemic (Northeast/Caribbean AETC, December 2021) – These training slides cover the combined impact of HIV and COVID-19 on LGBTQ+ people of color.

Being Triply Diagnosed While Black During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Northeast/Caribbean AETC, November 2021) – These training slides examine mental illness through a cultural lens to review the impact of COVID-19 on the Black community while facing the challenges of mental illness, substance use disorder, and HIV infection. Various treatment options are also addressed.

The Psychological Implications of COVID-19 on People of Color with HIV/AIDS (Northeast/Caribbean AETC, October 2021) – These training slides cover the mental, emotional, and behavioral impact of COVID-19 on people of color with HIV, and discuss how the pandemic exposed racial and ethnic disparities in accessing behavioral health care. Strategies to help patients discuss, identify, and effectively manage their mental health during the pandemic and beyond are shared.

The Role of Primary Care in Addressing HIV and COVID Health Disparities (South Central AETC, September 2021) – These training slides discuss the patient-centered medical home (PCMH) as a best practice for the delivery of primary care and addressing healthcare disparities, and examine PCMH’s validation during the syndemics of HIV and COVID-19.

COVID-19 and HIV Webinar Series Archives (MidAtlantic AETC, September 2021) – This webinar series includes information about clinical Issues on COVID-19 and HIV; the psychosocial impact of COVID-19; environmental and infection prevention measures taken in light of COVID-19; workflow and operational changes; workforce support and development; and access to care.

17th Annual Conference on HIV & Aging (New England AETC, September 2021) – Topics covered in this webinar include: epidemiological updates on HIV and aging in Massachusetts; HIV updates for the aging population; HIV and structural racism; living with HIV and aging during the COVID-19 pandemic; and screening of a video “Someone You Know and Love,” focusing on people with HIV.

Recognizing and Supporting Behavioral Health Needs During the COVID-19 Pandemic (HRSA CAREAction Newsletter, September 2021) – This issue includes information about the pandemic’s impact on behavioral health, approaches for managing pandemic-related stress and burnout and building resiliency, as well as brief case studies of RWHAP-funded agencies’ efforts to support behavioral health needs during the pandemic.

Providing Innovative and Flexible HIV Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic (HRSA CAREAction Newsletter, August 2021) – This issue includes information about expanding telehealth and virtual meeting capabilities during the pandemic, encouraging the use of home-based and self-testing for HIV, offering other critical services to RWHAP clients, as well as brief case studies of RWHAP-funded agencies’ efforts to provide innovating and flexible care during the pandemic.

International AIDS Society (IAS) Update 2021 Webinar (New England AETC, August 2021) – This webinar covers highlights from the virtual IAS 2021 Conference. Topics include: antiretroviral treatment for adults and adolescents; developments in HIV basic science; non-infection comorbidities of HIV and viral hepatitis; and COVID-19.

Oral Health, HIV, and COVID-19 (Pacific AETC, August 2021) – This course explains the links between oral health and COVID-19, addresses patient and staff concerns about COVID-19 safety measures, reviews COVID-19 vaccines and implications for people with HIV, and helps providers prepare for post-COVID-19 HIV oral health care.

Differential Diagnosis of HIV and SARS-COV-2 Pocket Guide (MidAtlantic AETC, July 2021) – This resource provides information about the similarities and differences in the clinical presentation of acute retroviral syndrome (early HIV infection) and infections with SARS-COV-2.

Recognizing and Supporting Behavioral Health Needs During the COVID-19 Pandemic (CAREAction Newsletter, September 2021) – This issue includes information about the pandemic’s impact on behavioral health, approaches for managing pandemic-related stress and burnout and building resiliency, as well as brief case studies of RWHAP-funded agencies’ efforts to support behavioral health needs during the pandemic.

Providing Innovative and Flexible HIV Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic (CAREAction Newsletter, August 2021) – This issue includes information about expanding telehealth and virtual meeting capabilities during the pandemic, encouraging the use of home-based and self-testing for HIV, offering other critical services to RWHAP clients, as well as brief case studies of RWHAP-funded agencies’ efforts to provide innovating and flexible care during the pandemic.


The contents listed on this page are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by, the New England AIDS Education and Training Center.