Fact Sheets and Other Resources
Information on Investigational HIV Drugs from AIDSinfo
If you want to learn about new HIV medicines in development, then it’s worth checking out the AIDSinfo Drug Database, which has fact sheets on more than 60 investigational HIV vaccines and drugs used to treat HIV infection itself and a wide range of opportunistic infections and other illnesses that may affect people living with HIV. These investigational drugs and vaccines are currently being studied in clinical trials and have not yet been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for sale in the U.S. to treat or prevent HIV and related conditions. Database users can browse by drug names or do filtered searches by drugs’ FDA approval status – which includes a category for investigational drugs – as well as drug classes and the conditions for which particular drugs are used. AIDSinfo provides information for both patients and health professionals. Each patient fact sheet includes an overview of the drug and information on clinical trials studying the drug. A corresponding health professional fact sheet includes more detailed, scientific information about the drug, including details on the pharmacology of the drug and on adverse events identified in clinical trials. For example, the latest investigational drug fact sheets added to the database include VRC-HIVADV014-00-VP and VRC-HIVDNA016-00-VP, both of which are therapeutic HIV vaccines. AIDSinfo’s lefitolimod, romidepsin, and VAC-3S fact sheets have recently been updated based on research that was presented at the 2018 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI).
New and Updated CDC Reports, Fact Sheets, and Flyers
During the past few weeks, CDC has published several new reports, fact sheets, and flyers related to HIV, affected populations, and harm reduction. These include:
Diagnoses of HIV Infection among Adults and Adolescents in Metropolitan Statistical Areas – United States and Puerto Rico, 2016 – This 87-page surveillance report focuses on HIV diagnoses in Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) with breakdowns by gender, age, race-ethnicity, and transmission category. Information on HIV prevalence rates is also provided.
Access to Syringe Services Programs – Kentucky, North Carolina, and West Virginia, 2013-2017 – This research report, published in MMWR, describes the expansion of syringe services programs (SSPs) in Kentucky, North Carolina, and West Virginia between 2013 and 2017, and the care that has been provided by these programs.
How to Clean Your Syringes – This illustrated fact sheet with detailed step-by-step instructions for rinsing and disinfecting syringes.
Used Syringes Are Dangerous – This illustrated flyer that users can customize to include contact information for their local health department.
HIV Among Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders in the United States and 6 Dependent Areas – This updated fact sheet has information on HIV diagnoses, prevalence, prevention challenges, and what CDC is doing to address in this population group.